American Guild of Organist members featured at Bach's Lunch

Waverly, IA (02/29/2024) — Four members of the Cedar Valley chapter of the American Guild of Organists will be featured at Wartburg College's Bach's Lunch organ series recital on Friday, March 8.The concert will begin at 12:30 p.m. in the Wartburg Chapel. It will be preceded by a noon lunch and conversation with the performers, the Rev. Carol Teare, Mark Welty, Janet Sanders, and Mariko Morita, in the Chapel Commons.

Teare is an ordained American Baptist pastor and has served as organist and church musician in Methodist, Presbyterian and Baptist congregations for more than 40 years. She is currently director of music ministries at First Baptist Church of Waterloo, dean of the Cedar Valley American Guild of Organists and president of the Fellowship of American Baptist Musicians.

Welty was captivated by the sound and mechanics of the organ at an early age. Now retired, he has played for smaller congregations and continues to play clarinet in the Cedar Falls Municipal Band.

Sanders started playing piano when she was 4 years old but didn't turn toward the organ until the late 1990s. She has been the organist at St. Luke's Episcopal Church in Cedar Falls for more than 20 years.

Originally from Japan, Morita grew up performing the organ on stage. She is on the faculty at the University of Northern Iowa School of Music and is the organist at Westminster Presbyterian Church in Waterloo and First United Methodist Church in Cedar Falls.